JaLa Shaashtra
Introduction to this Session
Any living being mainly Human Beings undergo two types of Emotions. Positive and Negative Emotions.
Bliss, Joy, Peace, Love, Happiness, Thrill, Relax, Cheerful, Exited, get Relived, Enthusiasm, comfort.., etc so on are some of Positive Emotions and
Annoyed, Anxiety, bored, Burdened, Confused, Guilty, Fear, Scared, Tired, Uneasy, Stressed, Frustration, Grief, Competitive, Suspicious, Shocked are Negative Emotions
Why do we call and differ the emotions as Positive and negative? How can we able to differentiate? Where from Our Body or mind these events get segregated as positive and negative?
Once you get the answer for these questions all the emotions will become neutral to you. It’s a level more for a normal human being. But my request is put some effort to come to such a Level.
Now let’s see the consequences for positive and negative emotions
Its known from Meta physics that each and every dynamic and even static being of this universe possess consciousness. Only the level of consciousness differs.
So the very close 5 Energy Elements of nature which made this earth, the Living beings are very much conscious and responds to Emotions we discussed earlier than any other elements
The five elements are Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Space
Science demonstrated that thoughts and feelings are manifestations of energy in form of vibratory waves of different frequencies that can be measured
We the Human Being live with help of this five and contain Water (liquid state) the major content of the body.
As narrated Water has an excellent consciousness and could react to the above said Emotions of Human beings.
Now comes the Thesis.
A famous Researcher Dr.Masaru Emoto has done lot research with Water and his findings prove the above statement.
Each bowl of water named separately as Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Love, Joy, Happiness so on with various Emotions and placed each in separate closed rooms.
A Person is asked to Express with the above said emotions at the respective rooms periodically for a months period.
Each bowl of water is then frozen and processed for the experiment.
A frozen water droplet from each bowl vibrated with respective emotions were viewed through a microscope and the amazing view found it,
The Bowl of water Vibrated with Positive Emotions like Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace were found to be of beautiful crystalline structure and with good smell and
The Bowl vibrated with Negative emotions like Anxiety, Fear, and Stress etc. were of uneven structure and found prone to infected soon.
The shocking message is Almost 72% of our body is liquid. 83% of Blood, Muscles contain 75% of liquid, Lungs are 90% of liquid and brain contains 95% liquid.
Now Realize, If YOU possess or express Negative Emotions like Anxiety, Stress, Frustration, Hatred on even your enemy, Remember you are (Your Physic) the first person to get affected.
Yes If u curse somebody, the vibration is very firstly taken by the water in your body only then it could reach the intended.
So Positive or Negative Emotions it affects the self first.
So To Keep your body a Holy medium, I strongly recommend you to possess only Positive Emotions.
Remember well, the self is the ultimate reason for what ever happened (So called Good or So called Bad) to Him/her. Whatever act done by one, The self is the first Beneficiary.
Possess Kindness, Honesty, Love, Transparency and Truth; you will notice your being is transformed to the ultimate goal BLISS
Any living being mainly Human Beings undergo two types of Emotions. Positive and Negative Emotions.
Bliss, Joy, Peace, Love, Happiness, Thrill, Relax, Cheerful, Exited, get Relived, Enthusiasm, comfort.., etc so on are some of Positive Emotions and
Annoyed, Anxiety, bored, Burdened, Confused, Guilty, Fear, Scared, Tired, Uneasy, Stressed, Frustration, Grief, Competitive, Suspicious, Shocked are Negative Emotions
Why do we call and differ the emotions as Positive and negative? How can we able to differentiate? Where from Our Body or mind these events get segregated as positive and negative?
Once you get the answer for these questions all the emotions will become neutral to you. It’s a level more for a normal human being. But my request is put some effort to come to such a Level.
Now let’s see the consequences for positive and negative emotions
Its known from Meta physics that each and every dynamic and even static being of this universe possess consciousness. Only the level of consciousness differs.
So the very close 5 Energy Elements of nature which made this earth, the Living beings are very much conscious and responds to Emotions we discussed earlier than any other elements
The five elements are Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Space
Science demonstrated that thoughts and feelings are manifestations of energy in form of vibratory waves of different frequencies that can be measured
We the Human Being live with help of this five and contain Water (liquid state) the major content of the body.
As narrated Water has an excellent consciousness and could react to the above said Emotions of Human beings.
Now comes the Thesis.
A famous Researcher Dr.Masaru Emoto has done lot research with Water and his findings prove the above statement.
Each bowl of water named separately as Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Love, Joy, Happiness so on with various Emotions and placed each in separate closed rooms.
A Person is asked to Express with the above said emotions at the respective rooms periodically for a months period.
Each bowl of water is then frozen and processed for the experiment.
A frozen water droplet from each bowl vibrated with respective emotions were viewed through a microscope and the amazing view found it,
The Bowl of water Vibrated with Positive Emotions like Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace were found to be of beautiful crystalline structure and with good smell and
The Bowl vibrated with Negative emotions like Anxiety, Fear, and Stress etc. were of uneven structure and found prone to infected soon.
The shocking message is Almost 72% of our body is liquid. 83% of Blood, Muscles contain 75% of liquid, Lungs are 90% of liquid and brain contains 95% liquid.
Now Realize, If YOU possess or express Negative Emotions like Anxiety, Stress, Frustration, Hatred on even your enemy, Remember you are (Your Physic) the first person to get affected.
Yes If u curse somebody, the vibration is very firstly taken by the water in your body only then it could reach the intended.
So Positive or Negative Emotions it affects the self first.
So To Keep your body a Holy medium, I strongly recommend you to possess only Positive Emotions.
Remember well, the self is the ultimate reason for what ever happened (So called Good or So called Bad) to Him/her. Whatever act done by one, The self is the first Beneficiary.
Possess Kindness, Honesty, Love, Transparency and Truth; you will notice your being is transformed to the ultimate goal BLISS